Friday, March 28, 2008


i think i love travelling... sort of fall in love with travelling....

wanna travel ard the whole world to see the wonders in that country, to understand their culture and to try their food!

however, sometimes seem that i just cant seems to find someone who will be able to travel with me...

so..... i hope i will be able to find someone who will be to able to....



went for the company dinner tonite....

the dinner was not bad.. but the main focus of this blog is not abt the dinner.. but abt auditors...

anyway, i realised that the auditors in our unit are quite ke lian...

because some of the seniors still have to go back to the office with our partner who came at the "right time" (just when the dinner ended) to 'fetch' them back to the office...

haix...... started to wonder why does auditors have to work late... is it an implicit rule that "auditors have to work late"...

i guess actually maybe only our unit practises such rule (other than those banking industries)... heard from my friend that it is already their off peak for most of their friends...

mmm... okie.. not really peak for me... but i have colleagues working till 11 plus 12 every nite and they still have to catch the last train home... because the client is damn stingy... they dun wan to increase their cost so they dun really wan us to take cab...

haix... i intended to stay till senior...but im not sure whether i have the ability to withstand the long hours and to bear with the work-life unbalance....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

china china china.....

was discussing the itinery for china together with my sister....

mmm... the tentative plan is to

shanghai --> xiamen --> guangzhou --> guilin --> yunnan --> guangzhou --> hong kong --> singapore

that was their tentative plan for 3-4 weeks...

for me, i definitely wont join them for the whole of china tour....

but now im in a dilemma.... not sure how to depart, where to depart and when to depart from china...

i think there's an airline that depart from yunnan to singapore which is quite ideal for me... but then i think they will only reach xiamen on tues according to my prediction for them... so that left me with 12 days to travel from xiamen --> guangzhou --> guilin --> yunnan... 3 days each....mmm... possible????

mmm.. we shall see how ba...

Sunday, March 23, 2008


went shopping with my family and grandma....

picked my grandma first and went to farm to pick my dad...

love to take the evening view of the farm

here are some more random pixxies of the farm... (not very well taken though)

"used to be the place where we play catching.... or maybe the place where our grandpa ran after my cousin asking him to bathe... "

"outside view.... greenies all the way..."

"my daddy !!! with the worker......"

Friday, March 21, 2008

new blog!!!

have been deciding whether to change my friendster blog to blogspot long long time ago....

finally decided to change....


friendster do not allow me to upload photos into the blog anymore... sianx.....


here's my new blog!

enjoy.... =)

P.S. merry asked "u never shift all your post from friendster over mei???"

at that time i was thinking... i will die copying and pasting all my ppost......

but then

mmmm.... okie... maybe i will... one post by one post... starting with my first post....