Saturday, July 12, 2008

丽江 - 云南省 - 中国

okie... after the overnight bus ride, we finally reached 丽江 early in the morning... at abt 4am in the morning... the bus driver said we can slp in the bus until the sun is out

kelvin suggested going down to catch the sunrise.... jianming went down with him.....

a few minutes later.................

both of them came back shivering like mad....

okie...maybe only kelvin... jianming seems stronger... hahah

my sis and i ignored them and continued slping......

finally reached 丽江....

okie... let me see... our itinery for the day...

went to 拉市海 in the noon and 束河古城 after that

below are a few photos for 拉市海

went for horse-riding.... i think it was fun.... and learnt a few tips abt horse-riding from the "tour guide"

we on our respective horses

the vegetation that we passed by on our horses... according to my guide, they plant mostly corn and fruits..because vegetables are too tedious and the harvest is not as good as compared to corn

scenary.... i suggest you expand the photos (click on them) for all the scenary photos in order to see how beautiful the scenary is ..

scenary..... nice....

posing... posing.... posing! =)

nice view of the town....

拉市海。。 it is actually a 构造湖.. and what is a 构造湖... it is actually a dent in the earth cust.. and due to the underground water and raining.. which leads to an accumulation of water... this becomes 拉市海.. so it is not an ocean/sea but a lake... nice

my sis and i!

i was looking through the photos when i noticed a similarities.... pointing fingers towards the "dunno where" with back facing the camera... dun understand the 意义 of this position.. ahaha...mmm... or is it a common position only understood by guys????

another nice photo of 拉市海

our 马夫 and us...

a collage of 拉市海 itself...

"rowing away diligently" and eating away diligently.. ehx.. actually only one person is rowing the boat....=P... guess who is it????

okie... my sister suggested we somersault infront of the camera... so we started somersault and i think we looked like idiots... flipping in the middle of the grassland... omg.... so far.. that was considered the best pix that we have taken... omg....

haha... look at the photo... that was taken while we were busy somersaulting... mmm... or am i the only one who was busy somersaulting instead????omg..

a collage of 束河古镇....

okie... .that was the itinery for the day....

now... some photos of 丽江古镇....

a collage of 丽江古镇... i think it is considered very much commercialized right now as compared to 香格里拉's.... but ironically? it is also the nicest out of 古镇s that i went to

finally... a collage of our group photos... ehx... realised that we only had a photo of our meal? because we only took a meal... that was the breakfast... throughout the day... we didnt eat much... haha.. kelvin and jianming was stuff to death manx... omg