Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Year 2009

It has been 24 days past new year and I havent had time to sit down and write down my New Year Resolutionssssssssss!

okie.. let me recapped my new year resolutions for year 2008...

cant find the blog in this website.. was located in my old blog as follow...

here goes...

1. to slim down o cos…. =P…
---> let me see... i think i didnt.. in fact, i think i gained 2kgs over the past 1 year.. shit...

2. to able to survive in kpmg..
---> okie... i did survived for 1 year....

3. find my mr right?
---> mmmmmmmm....... this is a very subjective thingy.. who is my mr right and what defines my mr right????

4. to tidy up my house… =P… haha… ridiculous that this gets to be my new year resolution… wun wan to know how messy my house is…
---> this is definitely not be met.. ..

5. save more money and spent less! save at least 400 a month? possible???
---> not met as well... spent more actually...

6. update more post??? went to read my older post… really enjoyed reading them… bring back my memories… =)
---> okie.. this is considered met... wrote quite a number of post actually..

and now my 2009 resolutions...

1. to slim down... haix.. this new year resolution just keep repeating itself year after year.. maybe i should be more specific...

a. to exercise (like jogged for 30 mins at least twice a week) maybe i should learn from ade (my senior in kpmg).. she used to cycle on the bicycle bike for 45 mins everyday.. amazed by her determination.. she's my idol man..
b. to cut down on my food intake. hah.. especially at night..

2. do not procrastinate.. I think what I'm best in is actually procrasinating... so those things that need to done must be done by that day and not the day after what..

3. finding my right... mmmmm...

I used to think that my parents are a perfect couple... and there's a saying that 属牛的和属鸡的 are very compatible. That's my dad and mum... haha.. so used to set that as one of my criteria and also... wanted to look for someone who is the same type of my horoscope...mmm.. someone from capricorn, virgo or taurus... so I would think that maybe my Mr Right is someone who is 属鸡的 and that is someone from capricorn, virgo or taurus. ha.. naive belif right?

Subsequently, I realised that's not neccessarily all these will make a relationship worked out...

My parents used to quarrel alot during the early stage. (that's what my mum told me) and it was subsequently through understanding and tolerating with each other that makes their love for each other so strong.

learning how to understand, tolerate and trust....

4. writing down the details of my everyday life... it is good to be able to be able to remember what happened in the past.