okie... the long awaited bbq day is finally here!
the cycling before the bbq doesnt work.. because the earliest of us (kin and fung xin) only reached at 3 plus?
aunty janey and zhe yan reached at 4 plus...
vin and jessie reached at 6 plus...
aunty blur blur reached at 7 plus...
ting and ming nan reached at 10 plus....
ah yuan reached at 11 plus
finally, the finale... aunty merry reached at 12 plus....
being a long long time since we had such a gathering... we used to meet at least once a week.....overnite kboxing esp.... that was when i was in uni ( i guess that was part of the reason why my uni results sucks...) haha...
as we grow older, and when we joined the working society... we ran out of time... firstly, we need to work... then we need to spend our time with our families... next we need to spend our time with our bf/gfs... so... lesser and lesser occassion where we gather together...
anyway. the bbq was fun... i bet kin and fung xin master their skills of bbq-ing.. haha... most of our food were bbqed by them...
i was more interested in talking.. haha..okie... occassionally helping them out though...
the master cooks..
anyone has any idea what is he doing....mmm... i dun think that's the way to start a fire...
so wat are brothers for right... 要dumb一起dumb... haha.. the dumb brothers...
the part-time cooks at work...haha...
mmm..seems like 4 men is not possible to squeeze inside a 4 men tent...it's just nice for 3 women
and now... presenting to u guys group photos!! hahah...
everyone's bbq-ing in process!
the guys jumping madly.....
and they jumped again ?! it should be our turn!
hahah..seems like our group photos are always in chaos
with the runaway guy....running all the way to norway...
showing his moves....
Monday, July 28, 2008
bbq finally...
Posted by xin at 10:19 AM 0 comments Permalink
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
First day of 虎跳峡 - 云南 - 中国-
we slpt at abt 12am plus 1am like that in lijiang and we need to wake up at 3.30am the next morning... know why?
because we want to skip the entrance fee of the 虎跳峡 ... by reaching there early in the morning (way before the entrance man/lady start working), we manage to skip it....
when we just reached...... pitch dark....
okie... slightly brighter... haha...
okie... so when the sun get up, we started the long long climb....
haha... okie... i admit it was really tiring for me.... mmmmm... it might be due to the lack of slp? it might be due to the lack of exercising? or it might be due to my super heavy bag.. it was damn heavy manx.. omg...
while i was climbing, i swore to myself, i wun climb it again! hahah... omg.. it was that tiring for me... esp the upslope...
but the scenary was definitely worth the climb man... nice scenary....
yeah start of our climb! the worse is yet to come... hahah...
mmm... dunno what river is it... 金沙江..confirmed by jian ming...
haha..captured by my sis.. a cow admiring the scenary
on our way to the top..... it was only 7.30 am like that only lo... omg... abt 5 more hours to the top!
the teeny weeny road up to the top....
shack look...okie.. maybe im the only one.. that the 代价 of not exercising consistently..
okie... the first milestone.... at 8.30am....
someone kindly provided those information for us... okie...accordingly, we need 3 hours to teahorse guest house, 5 hours to halfway guest house and 7 hours to tina's guest house.. our original plan was to tina's... and we reached that map at 8.45am... so 7 more hours to go... dun think it is possible because we still need to have our breakfast and lunch....
okie... reached the place for us to take our breakfast...
.... the infamous 28 bends in 虎跳峡... one of the bends...
okie...saw a line that cuts across the mountain? the line is the road that we will be walking in dunno how many minutes time...
yeah.. happier... hahaha.. know why? cos i exchanged bags with kester (the last one in that photo)haha... can u tell that he is the only one who looked shack now... hahah.....mmm...i have one who keeps muttering words of encouragement behind me... and the last 2 who always walks the last so that my sis and i do not lag behind...
saw another thin line at the mountain? scary isnt it... omg...
yeah! finally reached the top! u need to finish the 28 bends to reach the top! that's where the chinese saying 先苦后甜 comes in because the view is magnificant... not to say the view while we are climbing up...
yeah.. another milestone of ours..
any idea why are there so many vehicles there? because.... the tour group brought the tourists to see the 虎跳石... the stone over there is not a real one according to jian ming (will show u guys the real one later at the next entry... we will reach it!) .. anyway, that stone over there is just a stone that roll down from the mountain..ehx.. but that sound a bit scary right.. imagine such a big stone rolling down from the mountain...
wa...doesnt this photo look like a postcard photo??? click on it to enlarge it! it's nicer!
postcard photo number 2! click on it!
postcard photo number 3! click click click....
yeah... group photo number 3 = milestone no 3! at 2.45 pm...
waterfall! filling up our water bottles and enjoying the coolness of the waterfall...
the guest houses in 虎跳峡 are all with nice view... with the clear blue sky and the mountain as backdrop... it's hard not to be beautiful...
okie...im fainting...
magnificant isnt it ???
i think this pix just show again how magnificant is it...click on it click on it!!
climb and climb and climb non-stop
i think this is nice...
yeah! finally reached.. halfway guest house... not tina's.. haha..too tired....
okie... dun be envy... that's the view we get when we woke up in the morn.. how i wish i have this view every morn...
hahah..there's a 爽死你天台... okie.. it is really "爽"死你 or maybe 冷死你 cos of the cold wind that just blow non stop..omg...
cheers!! 8.25pm...
Posted by xin at 9:30 AM 0 comments Permalink
Labels: where the skies are blue....
Monday, July 14, 2008
<< 赤壁 >>
went to catch this movie tonite after work...
The main cast are
梁朝伟 .....周瑜
金城武 .....诸葛亮
张震 .....孙权
张丰毅 .....曹操
尤勇 .....刘备
林志玲 .....小乔
赵薇 .....孙尚香
侯勇 .....鲁肃
胡军 .....赵云
中村狮童 .....甘宁
臧金生 .....张飞
巴森扎 .....关羽
let me see....
i think for those who have read 三国演义 might not like this movie... im not sure...
haha.. cos i rem vin saying jessie's brother was critizing the movie like mad... saying this is not right and that is not right... understood why he would had such feeling.. cos i was critizing the director when i was watching harry porter too...
so...bless my ignorance... luckily i didnt read the book...
to to me, it was a interesting movie... worth the watch...
but then right... there is sth i must have to say abt tong leung....
not sure whether was it because i watched lust caution before (uncensored version somemore...omg... it was a terrible mistake)...
whenver i saw him, i will think of lust caution... and those scene with 林志玲 just makes me wonder why must he always have this kind of scene... omg...really... like the stomach scene and the bed scene.... dunno the meaning of those scenes... zhen shi de....
aiya..actually i dun really like him liao... hahaha... omg...
anyway, mot to mention him... others were quite okie.....
but right the scenary was damn nice... hahaha... my next few targets! ahah..=)...
kept asking kin where is the movie taken?
okie... after searching online... i discovered the following information
this is the map of china...
haha... found some 歇后语 in connection to this book...
and if you are interested in reading that book...
below is the link... but... it is relatively difficult to read though... yeah...
map of the 3 kingdom then....
Posted by xin at 9:15 AM 3 comments Permalink
Labels: movies... movies... movies...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
丽江 - 云南省 - 中国
okie... after the overnight bus ride, we finally reached 丽江 early in the morning... at abt 4am in the morning... the bus driver said we can slp in the bus until the sun is out
kelvin suggested going down to catch the sunrise.... jianming went down with him.....
a few minutes later.................
both of them came back shivering like mad....
okie...maybe only kelvin... jianming seems stronger... hahah
my sis and i ignored them and continued slping......
finally reached 丽江....
okie... let me see... our itinery for the day...
went to 拉市海 in the noon and 束河古城 after that
below are a few photos for 拉市海
went for horse-riding.... i think it was fun.... and learnt a few tips abt horse-riding from the "tour guide"
we on our respective horses
the vegetation that we passed by on our horses... according to my guide, they plant mostly corn and fruits..because vegetables are too tedious and the harvest is not as good as compared to corn
scenary.... i suggest you expand the photos (click on them) for all the scenary photos in order to see how beautiful the scenary is ..
scenary..... nice....
posing... posing.... posing! =)
nice view of the town....
拉市海。。 it is actually a 构造湖.. and what is a 构造湖... it is actually a dent in the earth cust.. and due to the underground water and raining.. which leads to an accumulation of water... this becomes 拉市海.. so it is not an ocean/sea but a lake... nice
my sis and i!
i was looking through the photos when i noticed a similarities.... pointing fingers towards the "dunno where" with back facing the camera... dun understand the 意义 of this position.. ahaha...mmm... or is it a common position only understood by guys????
another nice photo of 拉市海
our 马夫 and us...
a collage of 拉市海 itself...
"rowing away diligently" and eating away diligently.. ehx.. actually only one person is rowing the boat....=P... guess who is it????
okie... my sister suggested we somersault infront of the camera... so we started somersault and i think we looked like idiots... flipping in the middle of the grassland... omg.... so far.. that was considered the best pix that we have taken... omg....
haha... look at the photo... that was taken while we were busy somersaulting... mmm... or am i the only one who was busy somersaulting instead????omg..
a collage of 束河古镇....
okie... .that was the itinery for the day....
now... some photos of 丽江古镇....
a collage of 丽江古镇... i think it is considered very much commercialized right now as compared to 香格里拉's.... but ironically? it is also the nicest out of 古镇s that i went to
finally... a collage of our group photos... ehx... realised that we only had a photo of our meal? because we only took a meal... that was the breakfast... throughout the day... we didnt eat much... haha.. kelvin and jianming was stuff to death manx... omg
Posted by xin at 9:52 AM 0 comments Permalink
Labels: where the skies are blue....