Tuesday, December 16, 2008


went wakeboarding with zilong, ade, hengli and wei boon i think a week ago???

went once before 2 years... had quite a good experience.. so decided to go again... seems abit of a weird combi right?? haha.. but there's also a first time for everything! =)

anyway, it is really a very fun sport ahx... very interesting...

first u must know how to stand up...

then after stand up, u must know how to stable urself

then u must know how to ride on the water and navigate from left to right and right to left!

i think u will have a lot of 满足感 when u know how to stand up.....

after you learn how to stand up, u will wan to ride on the water for very long and wan to go left and right and go right to left... go here and go there!!!

haha... very fun de....

hee... but hor... u must exercise regularly before u go for this sport...

cos after i came back from this sport, my whole body is aching manx... aching like mad.... omg...

but.... it is a good sport! definitely will lose weight de... hahaha....

below are the pix taken!

dry and clean... waiting for the session to start.....

on the boat!

enjoying the waveeeessssss......

a recap lesson for all!

one who seemed happy..

one who seemed worried..

one who seemed cheeky...mmmm...

one who seemed very attentive...

finally we have one who seemed lost! haha...

hee.. the group photo...

dirty and wet and cold tooo..... back from the boat... with our pretty instructor...